- DETANGLES AND REDUCE FRIZZ: The outer layer of hair, the cuticle, covers the hair shaft and protects it like the bark on a tree. The cuticle is made of overlapping layers of long scales that lie along the surface of the hair. Apple cider vinegar helps smooth the cuticle which allows knots and tangles to comb out more easily. Frizzy hair is caused by lifted, open cuticles. Apple cider vinegar helps smooth and tighten cuticles to help decrease the frizz
- INCREASE SHINE: When the cuticle is in a good shape, is unbroken, and lies flat , your hair has a smooth appearance. When the laters of the cuticle are tightly knit together, the light is able to reflect off the cuticle. This is what makes hair shine.
- DECREASE BUILD-UP: Acv removes build up and residue from hair shaft to cleanse and clarify the hair and scalp without stripping the hairs natural oils balancing the ph on your scalp.
- DEFINE NATURAL CURLS: Unlike conventional conditioners, vinegar does not weigh down the individual hair strands which can cause hair to feel heavy and look limp. Also, by taming the frizz and removing residue, the vinegar rinses help add body to all hair types and renew the bounce to naturally curly hairs.
- STIMULATES HAIR GROWTH: Acv has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation in the small capillaries that irrigate the scalp with essential nutrients. This helps encourage hair growth and strengthens the roots.
- DECREASES DANDRUFF AND FLAKING: Acv has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help treat a dry itchy scalp by killing the bacteria and fungus that many be associated with dandruff (and even hair loss) and other scalp conditions without harsh chemicals.